Leadership & Management

We strive to build a community that recognises and responds with creativity, flexibility and openness to the variety and diversity of changing needs

The Lantern Governance

The members of the Lantern Community Board are both Trustees and Directors, responsible respectively to the Charity Commission and Companies House and are accountable for the “good governance” of the Lantern Community.

The Trustees recognise their ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of The Lantern Community and for ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public for which it has been set up.

The Trustees meet together at least quarterly to review reports from management and to discuss matters such as the strategic direction of The Lantern Community, governance issues and certain financial matters. A number of Committees and Working Groups have been established to ensure that these matters can be properly addressed. A further two committees, Estate and Strategy, have been established to bring the total number of committees to six. These committees are seen as part of the ongoing structure of the community and membership consists of Trustees and members of the Lantern Management Group. A pattern of at least three meetings each year has been established with the dates for these three meetings being fixed well in advance to enable reports to be considered by a Trustee Board meeting within a few weeks.

Appointment and Training of Trustees

There must be at least five trustees at any time and no more than two may be coworkers. Trustees shall be proposed for appointment by the existing trustees. The Board seeks to have Trustees with a range of competencies and backgrounds, to allow it to effectively fulfil its role. An induction pack is provided for all Trustees and specialist training is carried out on topics such as governance from time to time as required.

Key Management

The Lantern Community is managed and administered by a General Manager and many individuals with distinct responsibilities related to the professional requirements of the running of the community.

All hold qualifications relevant to their respective roles and have together accumulated a vast experience and knowledge of Social Care, Training, Accounting, the Arts and Crafts, Learning Disability and Camphill culture and ethos, to name but a few.

Qualifications and Training

All senior support staff related to residential care and support hold the relevant Health and Social Care qualifications. We provide training for all the care staff and volunteers to ensure they achieve the Care Certificate. 

Many of our staff are in further training and we support them to attend the excellent care training facility at Bournemouth and Poole College.

We also provide training and refresher courses in Health & Safety, Emergency First Aid, Food Hygiene, Moving & Handling and Safeguarding. Training needs are reviewed regularly during supervision sessions; annual performance reviews for all staff reflect on both the individual’s learning goals and the needs of the organisation.


Governance and Administrative Details

The organisation is a charitable company limited by guarantee, incorporated on 20 May 1999 and registered as a charity on 4 June 1999. The charity changed its name on 5 December 2012 from The Lantern Retreat to The Lantern Community.

The company was established under a Memorandum of Association, which established the objects and powers of the charitable company and is governed under its articles of association.

Registered Company:

Registered Charity:

Principal Address and Registered Office:
The Lantern Centre, Folly Farm Lane, Ashley, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 2NN

Trustees and Director –

Ian Humphries - Chair

Mike Bradshaw

Luigi Carnelli

Neil Hollands

Lorraine Morgan

Maria Verhoeven

Elizabeth Bord

David Walker

Senior Managers

Behiye Bilge Hunt (Budak)
Chief Executive Officer / Nominated Individual

Carol Cheeseman
Operations Manager

Robert Van Turenhout
Finance Manager

Vell Cattaree
Day Services Manager 

Jason Gonsalves
Estate & Maintenance Manager

Burga Liddiard
Registered Manager

Claudiu Deliu
Registered Manager 

Damian Zibur Training & Development Manager

If you want to know how and why things are done, we will gladly answer your questions.

Complaints, Concerns and Compliments 

We want you to let us know if you have a comment to make, whether it is good or bad, on any aspect of the Lantern Community. We welcome suggestions as to how we can improve. We also want you to have the opportunity to talk to us about anything you feel should be brought to our attention. If you feel unable to do this by yourself, a friend or supporter can do this on your behalf.

You can always contact the main office and talk to the Management on 01425 460201 if you have concerns or you can look at the complaint policy via our website for further details.

Let us know if you have any comments, or suggestions, whether good or bad. We take your comments seriously, and we always do our best to put things right.
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